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Assistant Professor of Special Education

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Tsibidaki, A. (2020). Exploring the complexity of risk factors for cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 1. DOI:10.1111/dmcn.14632.


Tsibidaki, A. (2020). Children with cerebral palsy: Family and parent demographic characteristics and family strengths in Greece and Italy. Journal of Health Psychology. 1-13. DOI:10.11771359105.





Tsibidaki, A., Tsibidakis, H., Tsamparli, A., Kotzia, D., & Panou, A. (2019). Impact of orthopedic surgery on parents of children affected by cerebral palsy: A preliminary study in Greece. Folia Medica, 61(3), 384-388. DOI:10.3897/folmed.61.e39344. 


Tsibidaki, A. (2019). Special education teacher education: The example of Greece and Italy. In G. Nikolaou, S. Tsesmeli, K. Malafantis & I. Dimakos (Eds), Proceedings of the 11th Panhellenic Conference of the Pedagogical Society of Greece 2018 Basic and Continuing Education of Teachers in a Complex and Changing Environment (vol. B), pp. 122-129). Patra: Pedagogical Society of Greece-Department of Primary Education. [in Greek]





Adamis, D. Petmeza, I., Geraldine McCarthy, G., Tsibidaki, A., & Tsamparli, A. (2018). Association of individual psychopathology with family functioning in a Greek nonclinical sample. Social Work in Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/15332985.2018.1503215.


Tsibidaki, A. (2018). Critical consideration of the family with a child with special educational needs. Pedagogical Currents in the Aegean, 11, 98-101. [in Greek]





Tsibidaki, A., Tsamparli, A., & Tsibidakis, H. (2017). Family functioning in Greek parents raising a child with cerebral palsy. AASCIT Journal of Psychology, 3(4), 48-55.  


Tsibidaki, A.,  (2017). Meeting paths through numbers: A case study of a student with mild mental retardation and neglect. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Conference with International Participation for the Educational Material in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 14 - 16 October 2016. Rhodes. [in Greek]




Tsibidaki, Α. (2016). Communication of parents of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and specialists. Pedagogical Currents in the Aegean, 9-10, 77-89. [in Greek]




Katsouris, G., & Tsibidaki, Α. (2015). Special educators' views on the use of ICT in special education. i – Teacher, 11, 31-39. [in Greek]


Tsibidaki, A.  (2015). Τσιμπιδάκη, Α. (2015). Views and feelings of fathers with a child with severe disabilities for the present and the future. Proceedings of the Panhellenic Conference of Education Sciences, 2015, 1448-1457. Athens. [in Greek]



Tsibidaki, A.  (2014). Computers and students with cerebral palsy. In A. Sofos & K. Vratsalis (Eds.), Pedagogical Utilization of New Media in the Educational Process (pp. 227-239). Athens: Ion. [in Greek]




Tsibidaki, A. (2013). Marital relationship in Greek families raising a child with a severe disability. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology. 11 (1), 25-50.


Tsamparli, A., & Tsibidaki, A. (2013). Support networks for the family raising a child with severe disabilities. In Issues of community clinical psychology. Community clinical psychology, psychology of health and public health.  Athens: Papazisis. [in Greek]



Books - Monographs 

Tsibidaki, A., Tsibidakis, C., & Panou, A. (2019). Family and child with cerebral palsy: A psychoeducational and medical aspect. Athens: Papazisis [in Greek]


Tsibidaki, A. (2013). Child with special needs, family and school: A relation in interaction (2nd edition). Athens: Papazisis (Αtrapos, 2007a). [in Greek]

Editing books - Volumes

Sofos, L., Dara, M., Tsibidaki, A., Kladaki, M., & Kostas, A. (2020) (Eds). Pedagogical sections and their future. Teacher education: Challenges and perspectives in a changing world. Athens: Grigoris. [in Greek]


Theodoropoulou, E., & Tsibidaki, A. (2020) (Eds). EduTopia - Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of Undergraduate Students/Pedagogical Departments of the School of Humanities (2018-2019). Rhodes: Faculty of Preschool Education & Educational Design and Department of Primary Education, University of the Aegean. ISBN: 978-618-84330-1-4. [in Greek]


Tsibidaki, A. (2018). (Ed.) 11th issue of the Aegean Pedagogical Currents Journal. Subject: Multi-focused approaches to special education. ISSN 1790-5532. [in Greek]


Theodoropoulou, E., & Tsibidaki, A. (2019) (Eds). EduTopia-Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Undergraduate Students/Pedagogical Departments of the School of Humanities & 1st Panhellenic Conference of Undergraduate Students/Pedagogical Departments (2017-2018). Rhodes: Faculty of Preschool Education & Educational Design & Primary Education, University of the Aegean. ISBN: 978-618-84330-0-7. [in Greek]

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