Conference on Developmental disabilities: Research and Clinical Priorities in the Middle East
Why Donate?
The aim of this conference is to gather many distinguished scholars, experts and scientists to discuss their studies published in the Special Issue in Research in Developmental Disabilities. The primary purpose of the Special Issue was to collect scientific contributions carried out in the Middle East region. It was also of interest to examine utilisation of currently available resources, theoretical frameworks, and recommendations in relation to the cultural contexts. International keynote speakers within the field of developmental disorders will be presenting at this conference.
Current collections of accepted papers can be seen here:
Venue: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Tentative dates: 23- 25 October
For any enquires please contact: Professor Dagmara Dimitriou
What happens when I donate?
When you click on the donate now button, you will be taken to the UCL donations page where you will be able to specify your donation amount, and also have the opportunity to Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK Taxpayer