Sleep and mental health in autistic adults

I am currently working part time as a Research Assistant in the SERL on the "Sleep Focus Autistic Project", funded by the John and Lorna Wing Foundation. As many autistic adults have informed us about experiencing sleep problems, this project aims to investigate the link between sleep and mental health in autistic adults. In addition, the project aims to help improve sleep and mental health outcomes in these individuals by delivering an autism specific sleep intervention.
Alongside my Research Assistant role, I am a full-time PhD student in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging at the University of York. My PhD aims to investigate how sleep contributes to emotional processing in neurotypical adults.
I have a first-class honours BSc in Psychology from the University of York and an MSc in Psychological Research from the University of Oxford. I have previously worked as a Research Assistant at a variety of UK institutions, working on a breath of projects with both adults and paediatric populations:
· King's College London - Examining brain development from foetal, through to early children in children with a high and low vulnerability to neurodevelopment disorders (Autism and ADHD)
· University of Oxford - Assisting with experimental and clinical studies on sleep and disorders of sleep with the aim of understanding their pathophysiology and treatment.
Feel free to contact me on: if you would like to discuss any of my research.